2010年9月24日,美国Clemson大学我院副教授王子俊应邀来学院访问。上午10时,王子俊教授在我院学术报告厅作了题为“WEST:Weighted-Edge based Similarity Measurement Tools for Word Semantics”的学术报告。我院2010级同学参加了报告会,报告会由李曦老师主持。
报告会上,王子俊教授向同学们介绍了他在语义相似度分析方面的研究新成果。王教授指出,人类对于由分类引起的语义差别更为敏感,在此基础上,他提出了一种新的基于加权边缘的语义相似性度量方法——WEST方法。该方法将单词与它们的LCA(Least Common Ancestor)规范等级整合到一张距离呈指数下降的加权图上,实验研究表明新方法所得到的相似值与人类认识最为接近。王教授的课题组还在此基础上实现了语义相似度检测的Web服务。
Dr. James Z. Wang graduated from USTC with his BS and MS degrees in Computer Science. He obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science at University of Central Florida in USA. He had been working in Computer software industry for 9 years before joining Clemson University in 2002. Currently, he is a tenured Associate Professor in the School of Computing at Clemson University, a US public university ranked 23rd nationally by US News & World Report this year.
Dr. Wang’s research interests include Database, Multimedia, Bioinformatics, Information Retrieval, Wireless Networks, Distributed Computing, etc. In past years, he has published 60 papers in various journals and conference proceedings. His research activities have been supported by federal and industrial grants, with a total exceeding 1.5 million USD. He is currently serving as an associate editor for the International Journal on Data Mining and Bioinformatics. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.