2010年10月22日,英国Surrey大学我院教授金耀初应邀来我院访问。10月25日上午,金耀初教授在学院学术报告厅作了题为“Recent advances in surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimization of expensive problems”的学术报告。报告由罗文坚老师主持。我院部分师生参加了报告会。
Yaochu Jin received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China the Dr.-Ing. degree from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
He is currently a Professor of Computational Intelligence and Head of the Nature-Inspired Computing and Engineering (NICE) Group, Department of Computing, University of Surrey, UK. Before joining Surrey, he had been a Principal Scientist and Project Leader with the Honda Research Institute Europe in Germany since 2003. His research interests include computational approaches to understanding evolution, learning and development in biology, and biological approaches to solving complex real-world problems. He has (co)edited four books and three conference proceedings, authored a monograph, and (co)authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. Dr. Jin is an Associate Editor of BioSystems, the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. He was a past Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, and is currently an editorial member of Soft Computing, Memetic Computing and Swarm Intelligence Research. Dr. Jin has given plenary / keynote talks on international conferences on various topics, including morphogenetic robotics, analysis and synthesis of gene regulatory networks, evolutionary aerodynamic design optimization and multi-objective machine learning. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.