2011年9月23日上午,澳大利亚维多利亚大学研究员徐贯东博士应邀访问bat365官网登录入口,并在学院学术报告厅作题为“SemRec: A Semantic Enhancement Framework for Tag based Recommendation”的学术报告。报告会由陈恩红副院长主持。
Dr. Guandong Xu has received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Victoria University, Australia in 2008. He is now working as a Research Fellow in the Centre for Applied Informatics at Victoria University, Australia. His research interests cover Data management and Analytics, Data Mining, Machine Learning; Information retrieval and processing, Web search; Intelligent Web Systems, Web mining, Web Communities, as well as Social Informatics and Health Informatics. He has extensively published 40+ papers in referred international journals and conferences proceedings including the Computer Journal, Knowledge-based Systems, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: an International Journal, Expert System with Applications, Information Processing Letter; and AAAI, CIKM, WISE, IJCNN,KES, WI, ADMA conferences etc. He has authored or is writing (editing) three scientific books with Springer and IGI publisher.