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蔡晓辉,女,中科大bat365官网登录入口教授,博导,中科大近代物理系应用物理学专业2002届学士,电子科学与应用专业2007届博士(硕博连读)。2007-2018年间在德国进行基于智能织物的普适计算方向的科研,历任帕绍大学博士后、德国人工智能研究中心高级研究员和德国布伦瑞克工业大学青年教授,2018年回国。已在智能织物方向发表论文40余篇,主要发表在普适计算、可穿戴计算方向的UbiCompPerComISWC等会议和IEEE Sensors Journal上,并常年担任可穿戴计算方向会议ISWC的程序委员会委员。参与编著Springer出版社Smart Textiles - Fundamentals, Design and Interaction。归国后主攻以智能织物为代表的精密普适计算及其在智慧医疗方向的应用,现为中华医学会医学信息学分会医学大数据与人工智能学组委员,已完成压阻阵列型智能织物从织物传感器、嵌入式硬件到人工智能算法的全面国产化,建立了与中科大附一院心内科、重症监护中心、神经外科、神经内科等若干科室的合作,即将进入科室试用阶段。





致将要加入实验室的你: http://pplab.ustc.edu.cn/2018/0822/c15533a310022/page.htm 




  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,62072420,基于智能织物的卧床患者三维受力场长程监测方法研究,2021-01至2024-12,58万元,主持;

  2. 中科大“新医学”联合基金,重点方向,2150110020,基于智能织物的心肺功能长程监测平台,2021-01至2023-12,80万元,主持;


2017 欧盟官方合作电视台Euronews: Innovations Personality of the Year提名


1. Ziyu Wu, Fangting Xie, Yiran Fang, Zhen Liang, Quan Wan, Yufan Xiong, Xiaohui Cai; Seeing through the Tactile: 3D Human Shape Estimation from Temporal In-Bed Pressure Images, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2024.

2. Zhen Liang, Mengting Niu, Fangting Xie, Dongquan Zhang, Liyun Dai and Xiaohui Cai; A Single-ply & Knit-only Textile Sensing Matrix for Mapping Body Surface Pressure, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024.

3. Guorui Lu, Kangyu Chen, Qi Wang, Xiaohui Cai; Dual-modality Electromechanical Physiology Source Mapping, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024.

4. Zhen Liang, Dongquan Zhang, Guanghua Xu, Fangting Xie, Hui Cai, Hao Guo, Jingyuan Cheng, Smart Garment: A Long-Term Feasible, Whole-Body Textile Pressure-Sensing System, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023.

5. Ziyu Wu, Quan Wan, Mingjie Zhao, Yi Ke, Yiran Fang, Zhen Liang, Fangting Xie, Jingyuan Cheng, MassNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Body Weight Extraction from A Single Pressure Image, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2023.

6. Jingyuan Cheng, Fangting Xie, Zhen Liang, Electronic Modeling for Resistive Textile Matrices, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022.

7. Jingyuan Cheng, Mathias Sundholm, Bo Zhou, Marco Hirsch, and Paul Lukowicz. Smart-surface: Large scale textile pressure sensors arrays for activity recognition. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2016.

8. Jingyuan Cheng, Bo Zhou, Paul Lukowicz, Fernando Seoane, Matija Varga, Andreas Mehmann, Peter Chabrecek et al. Textile building blocks: Toward simple, modularized, and standardized smart textile. In Smart Textiles, pp. 303-331. Springer, 2017【书籍章节】.

9. Sundholm, Mathias, Jingyuan Cheng, Bo Zhou, Akash Sethi, and Paul Lukowicz. Smart-mat: Recognizing and counting gym exercises with low-cost resistive pressure sensing matrix. ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing, 2014.

10. Cheng, Jingyuan, Oliver Amft, and Paul Lukowicz. Active capacitive sensing: Exploring a new wearable sensing modality for activity recognition. International conference on pervasive computing, 2010.
